We can help you find a brighter future following a painful experience. Call or visit us today.


A miscarriage can be a heartbreaking event for anyone — whether the pregnancy was expected or not. We offer support to men and women experiencing grief associated with pregnancy loss. Call us to learn more.


Are you feeling alone and unsupported after a recent or past abortion experience? If you are feeling sad, depressed or guilty, we can offer you hope.

Post-Abortion Stress is an unhealthy emotional reaction experienced by individuals who have been involved in a situation where an abortion took place. It includes an inability to express feelings surrounding the pregnancy and abortion, as well as an inability to resolve the loss and come to a place of inner peace.

Are you dealing with Post-Abortion Stress? Ask yourself:

  • Do I struggle to ‘turn off’ the feelings connected to my abortion, telling myself to forget about it?
  • Do I avoid the subject of abortion in public conversation or in the media?
  • Am I uncomfortable around babies or pregnant women?
  • Do I feel depressed around the time the abortion took place or on the due date?
  • Am I resentful toward others involved in my abortion? (father of baby, parents, doctor, etc.)
  • Do I have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships?
  • Has my use of drugs/alcohol increased significantly since the abortion?
  • Have I developed prolonged depression or suicidal thoughts?
  • Do I have repeated dreams of babies who are crying/in distress or nightmares?
  • Have I suffered from flashbacks to the abortion or panic/anxiety attacks?
  • Do I feel a vague emptiness or deep sense of loss?
  • Am I able to talk about my abortion without being overcome by sorrow, anger or guilt?
  • Do I have eating/sleeping problems?
  • Do I see my life as ‘before’ and ‘after’ the abortion? Do I view myself differently?
  • Do my memories of the abortion seem more painful than the actual experience?

We provide free, fully confidential after-abortion care to anyone struggling with a past abortion.

For Women:

We deliver healing to women who carry deep emotional scars as the result of an abortion experience. This recovery program offers women the opportunity to bring their long suffering out of the darkness and into the light, so that true healing can take place.

For Men:

A man is involved in every abortion whether he participates in the decision or not. Our program is designed for men who have experienced loss as the result of an abortion, willingly or unwillingly.


Our sexual healing program is designed to help individuals who have made sexual choices they regret or who have suffered abuse.

We offer individuals the opportunity to work through a recovery process, exchanging their pain for a healing balm. Their sexuality may be recreated into something beautiful, enabling them to forgive others and themselves and to know true and lasting love.

Call or visit us to set up an appointment today.

Medical Services | Pregnancy & Parenting | Life & Relationships | Healing & Recovery